Houston, TX
Personalized home organization
Entrepreneur, mom, & wife
As we get into Spring, many of us get the urge to clean up our home. But when we have too much stuff, it makes it hard to clean. And with all that stuff, dust starts to accumulate (hello allergies!). So, before you get to cleaning your home, take some time to declutter and get rid of those items you’re no longer using. This will make the cleaning of your home on a daily basis so much easier!
Before you begin decluttering, it’s important to have a plan in place. Decide which rooms you want to tackle first and create a schedule for yourself. This will help you stay on track and avoid feeling overwhelmed.
When creating your schedule, think about the time you have available. What can you realistically get done? Could you take 10 minutes while your spouse gives the kids a bath? Do you have 30 minutes while your kids watch a show? Is it easier to take 2 hours on the weekend? Get a schedule made that works for you.
Then, decide which spaces are most important to declutter. I like to focus on personal spaces and family spaces. For your personal space, you can make sure those stay decluttered.
Decluttering your entire home at once can be overwhelming. Instead, tackle one area at a time. Start with a small space, such as a closet, and work your way up to larger areas, such as your kitchen or living room.
Work each space into your schedule so you know when you’re tackling what!
The next step is to sort through your belongings. Start by making three piles: keep, donate, and throw away. Be honest with yourself and only keep items that you truly need or love. If you haven’t used an item in the past year, consider letting it go.
Using your schedule, do this step space by space. The last thing you want is to have your entire closet on your bed when you need to help your kids. Keep in mind as you’re working what your time limits are.
Many organizer will say get rid of duplicates and I agree to an extent. You don’t need 6 spatulas, maybe one or two depending on how many you use at one time.
But some items, you will enjoy having in different places so they’re easily accessible. We have three (adult) scissors in our home. We have one downstairs in the kitchen, one with the gift wrapping, and one upstairs in our home office. The last thing I want to do when I’m upstairs with the kids is go downstairs to get scissors. If you need items in multiple spaces because you use them in multiple spaces, keep duplicates!
Once you’ve sorted through your belongings, it’s time to organize your storage spaces. There is no need to go out and buy containers. Use what you have! Even if they are mismatched. The goal is a functional system. I like to start out with shoe boxes or items that I have on hand. Then, once I like the system, I invest in storage containers I like that fit the space.
Label your containers and keep similar items together to make it easy to find what you need. Especially if this is a communal area. Label, label, label! And if you have young kids, use pictures for their toys. This helps kids put items back in the right spot.
Vertical space is often underutilized. Invest in some shelving units or hanging organizers to help maximize your space. You can often add a small bookshelf or stackable drawers to utilize the vertical space without breaking the bank!
Countertops are often a dumping ground for clutter. Take some time to clear off your countertops and only keep essential items out. This will help create a clean and organized look in your home.
Focus on the main dump spots in your home. Is there a way to get those items put away close by? If you find a paper dump spot on your counter, is there a drawer nearby that can house those papers and mail until you’re ready to deal with them? If your kids constantly leave their toys in a certain spot, could you make a bin or basket where their toys go so they’re put away? Think through your problem areas and find a solution that keeps the clutter to a minimum.
Your wardrobe is another area that can easily become cluttered. Take some time to go through your clothes and only keep items that you love and wear regularly. Donate or sell items that no longer fit or that you haven’t worn in a while.
I love going through and thinking about what my life looks like and what clothing items I need right now. Are you constantly in workout shorts or leggings? Make sure those are front and center and easy to reach.
If you’re not ready to get rid of an item yet, put it away either in your closet or elsewhere. Then, when it comes time to go through your closet again, you can decide if you really need that item.
Also, I don’t have a ton of clothing, but I can’t stand running into sweaters and long sleeve shirts when it’s warm out. I like to store a few winter/ cold weather items out of sight so I don’t have sort through them in my brain when I’m getting dressed.
Paperwork can quickly pile up and become overwhelming. There are two different ways to deal with paper IMO.
The first is get rid of it! You can scan items that you want to hold on to. This is what I do in my home. All paper that needs to be kept (which is not much) is scanned into my computer and searchable if I need it. I only have physical copies of important identity paperwork in a binder. Everything else is dropped in the drop zone and processed once a week. I put items on my to do list and recycle the paper after that!
If you like to hold onto paper, that is also fine. Some people enjoy paper and I want you to know, that’s okay! But, you do need a system. Instead of scanning those items onto your computer, file them in a way that you can find them. I recommend setting up binders for different areas of your life so they’re easier to go through and find what you need.
As much as we’d love it to be, organizing isn’t a one and done task, especially if you have young kids. You need to keep up with it and reassess your systems every so often.
With babies, toddlers and preschoolers at home, assess your systems every 1 – 2 months. This will keep you on top of how they’re growing – both physically and mentally. You will need to go through clothing and create hand-me-down or donation piles. You will need to asses their toys and see what they’re playing with. You will need to determine the best snack system (this one I am constantly readjusting!). Think through systems about your young children and make sure you take the time to assess them.
With older kids, you may only have to do this twice a year. And I hear it will be less involved (I’m not there yet with an toddler, preschooler and kindergartener), but I see the light at the end of the tunnel with my older son!
One of the best things about working with Wildely Organized is we provide maintenance services. We help you reassess your systems and reset your home for you. This is a service that we provide after we organize a space with you. So you can get the system set up and we help you maintain it!
Brand + Website By Carrylove Designs
Wildely Organized 2024
Based in Houston, TX, Wildely Organized offers compassionate, professional in-home organization services that empower families to live functional lives in a space they love.
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